Monday, October 29, 2007

napier pellet lube

Hello again.............
Anyone wanting to up the power output of there rifle needs to get themselves some of this.
Its only £2.95 ish but it is well worth it. Just add 4-5 drops to a tin of 200 pellets and you will see a 40% increase in the speed and accuracy of your shots. Simply empty the tin of pellets into a small plastic bag (like a cash-bank bag) and add the pellet lube, then carefully roll the pellets round to evenly coat them. Then return them to the tin. If you need to do a 500 tin then do them in two batches to avoid damaging them. I use Bisley Superfield because they are a good clean all round hunting pellet and you can buy them and many others from Also i highly recommend the vp90 gun grease and gun oil as i have used both on my hw80k and it works a treat.
I know that there are many products out there for cleaning and maintaining our rifles but theres nothing better than first hand feedback about the products we have used. Believe me we have tried most of them and yes they all do pretty much the same thing but the Napier stuff is by far the most efective in our tests and we will continue using all there products .

Remember, stay safe and enjoy your shooting.
All the best

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Welcome to our blog

Hello and welcome to our blog site.

I am Richard and i am the person responsible for the blog and the content in it. My shooting partner is Pete and together we form "Duckmanton Vermin Services", and are the Matt and Kev ( from air gunner mag) of Chesterfield.

This is the home of air gun help and advice and hopefully the only place you will ever need for all air rifle and air gunning enquiries. Together we have over 40 years hands on experience in hunting and vermin control. We have various amount of land on which we regularly shoot and control pest/vermin species for the land owners and we have a very impressive track record.

You can contact us by email but if you would like us to reply to you by phone then be sure to add your number to the bottom of the email. We will answer all recieved emails in the shortest time possible.

Email us at: