Friday, June 27, 2008

Todays shoot

I went for a walk round one of our farms today and was watching the woodies flocking down on a field of fresh cut grass. As i was about 100 yards i thought i needed to get a little closer before thinking about taking a shot. To my amazement the pigeons just went about there scavenging as i closed in on them. Over the tall grass at the edge of the field i could just make out 7 or 8 of them pecking at the seed on the ground and as i was 35 yards from the flock i singled one out and went for a head shot. "THWACK" .......and he hit the deck without disturbing the rest of the flock, but as i cracked the barrel open to reload, something spooked the flock and they took off.

D-V-S 1 / PIGEON 0.

The week before i had this nice rabbit and the feral pigeon

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Photos on photobucket

This is the link to my slideshow of photos i have taken around the farms over the past few months.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Out for a walk

On Friday i went for a walk round our largest shoot to see how the rabbits are doing and how many woodies i could spot in our usual sitty trees. I didn't go to shoot as i was more interested in doing a walk around the site looking for the tell tale signs of the rabbits around the edges of the fields. As you can see in the below picture there are plenty of trees for the pigeon and the squirrels to hide in, and loads of lush grass and crops for them to munch on.All the fields have something different to offer, the cover of the trees ,where you can sit and wait for the woodies to flock in and the tree rat to come out for food to the tall grass to hide in wait for the rabbits to come out in the warm morning sun and to continue eating there way through the fields .

The rabbits and the squirrels love to come down to this brook for a drink and a wash. The sound of the water helps mask your sounds as you sit and wait for them to come to you. The tree in the background is one of my better posts because where i am stood is the run for the rabbits down to the brook. Just behind me is a flat gravel part of the brooks bed where they come down to the shallows. From my tree perch its just over 30 yards to this gravel patch and makes for a nice easy straight shot, resulting in a clean kill every time.

The grass in the fields had just been cut and the crows and magpies were down searching for worms and grubs to take back to the nests. The large birch tree to the left of the shot is another of my posts. I took myself in under the trees and bushes and make a small hide. I don't have to wait long before the woodies come back from there feed in the fields of rape that are about 600 yards to my right. These are the first trees available to them to roost so i am guaranteed a few for the bag.

Plenty of tall grass for me to hide in here and pop a few deeks out with a little grain from the farm to add that lure for the flocking woodies as they fly in to the roosting trees. Also if you splash on some "shoot more" i can certain of a few unwise rabbits too.

For those of you that have seen or been told about shoot more i can say that it is worth every penny and it really does work. So to does the U.V marker pen on your deeks and for more info about shoot more and Steve Price go to for the DVD and shoot more deal.