Over the next few weeks i will be posting a list of land that i have available to shoot on. If you want to get on any of this land then send me a email and i will try to get you on. Most of the land i have permission for is around the North east of chesterfield but during the coming weeks i will be looking for more land.
I operate a strict " NO INSURANCE NO SHOOTING" policy. This protects you as a shooter and the land owner against accidents. BASA provide a very good insurance service and is also very cheap. Before you are given written permission to shoot you must provide me with your valid id number off the insurance documents. This WILL be checked with your insurance supplier.
All my shooters are vetted by ME. This ensures i am only letting responsible shooters on the land....When you on on any of the land i have permission for you represent ME. This said i will not tolerate any breach in safety and any permission given Will be withdrawn in the event of complaints.
The cost. £50 per year gives you unlimited access to the permitted land (The year works like this...the start date of your insurance to the expiry date of your insurance) You will get a DVS membership card, again this will run with your insurance dates, map and permitted species list. You should have this card with you EVERY TIME you go on the permission. It is proof you do in fact have written permission to be on the land and if you are on any land without the card you WILL be reported for ARMED TRESS PASS.
Also, as a safety measure, i ask that before you intend to use any permission you contact me when you arrive and when you leave. This ensures that I and the land owner know you are there and if anything was to happen to you we know where to find you. Safety is everything
If you can agree to these rules and you want to be considered for permission email me a contact number and i will ring/text you to arrange a meeting.
All the best.