Sunday, March 25, 2012

Blog update for March

Hello everyone.
Sorry for the lack of post`s over the past months but work commitments have kept me away from the PC.
I have been out on a few shooting trips over the last few weeks, now the weather is getting better and Thursday evening i found myself out in the dark on my whitwell permission, searching for the rabbits and pigeons.
Saturday morning saw me up bright and early. I was off to meet up with two lads from DVS who were out shooting on our stainsby shoot. It was a very foggy morning with visibility down to just 25 yards, perfect conditions for stalking the pigeons as they just couldn't see us for the fog but we could see them due to the light breaking through.

I caught up with Paul and Phil after about 10 minuets of searching through the fog. Phil had already bagged himself two nice plump woodies, one of which ended up in the small brook that runs through the bottom of the shoot, but he managed to retrieve it without getting too wet.

Paul on the left and Phil on the right
Two of the top shots at DVS

Myself and a very pleased Phil

The session ended with 4 woodies and two very happy lads. I look forward to hitting the fields with some of the other lads in the coming weeks.
On my way back to the car a came across this, Ramsons, or wild garlic. Wild garlic is probably among the easiest of all British wild foods to identify. Usually a simple intake of air is enough to know its located close by, and from then in, a simple crushed leaf will emit a pungent aroma of the familiar garlic bulbs which are bought in the shops – enough to aid identification alone in my opinion! Ramsons have some fantastic edible qualities, and for this reason it has to be viewed as one of the best wild foods to flavour and accompany dishes that include wild rabbit and wood pigeon

LEAVES – the long green leaves have a slightly milder flavour than the garlic bought in shops, but it’s still very flavoursome. These are best chopped and soften in butter with other ingredients to add flavour, or used in mixed salads.

FLOWERS – many will leave the flowers alone, but for me these are the best bit, offering a sweet but very powerful flavour which leaves you with a peppery kick. These are fantastic to add as a garnish to salads, again with rabbit and pigeon, or even to float on the top of soup.

Thanks for reading.

Next i will be posting a review on some of the top notch spinning targets from gr8fun targets so watch this space.