Over the past six months I have been busy with all sorts of projects and have much to tell you about.
Where to start.......well early on in the year I was busy shooting rats on one of the farm I have permission for, there were hundreds of the things in the chicken coup that needed removing. The chickens were in a 8 metre x 7 metre room that had recently had a new slate roof fitted. The inside was covered in the waterproof membrane you find on all roofs but the rats had taken I liking to this and over the space of a month they had all but destroyed the first 2 foot, eating huge holes out of it to get into the chicken feed.
This gave us some interesting shots to take as we could quite clearly see the rats running about, just above our heads, on the floor and up the stone walls. There were 28 chickens in this room a running around keeping away from the rats as they were eating all the chicken feed on the floor and in the pots. Some fun times were had in that room, trying to work out where the chickens were and trying not to shoot any of them while trying our very best to rid the place of the rats.
Over 3 months we seem to have all but wiped out the rat population.....from the chicken room and adjoining buildings but I am sure they will return at some point soon.
Another venture I have taken on is Pass It On Young Sports. This is a free event I host enabling people of all ages to come and have a look at and shoot different air rifles. I set up a range with backstops, clay pigeons, spinning targets and reactive targets ( go BANG when you shoot them). This has gone down very well with the local kids and I have had lots of people come and have a go. The aim is to get older kids off the games consoles and out in to a field to shoot some targets and get some fresh air, while learning a new pass time.
As I now have a mobile air rifle range I am in a position to the range up at different places, so if you have a club or group, scouts, cadets etc. I am available to hire.
A few weeks ago I was asked to provide a range in Oxfordshire for Woodland Ways the largest provider of Bushcraft & Survival Courses in the United Kingdom. They had 155 13 year old school kids for a bush craft and survival weekend and they asked me to provide the range. Over two nights every child came to the range, in groups of 25, and got to shoot the rifles on the 20 metre range I had set up. Most of the kids had never seen an air rifle before and had no idea what they could do.
Woodland Ways is the largest provider of Bushcraft & Survival Courses in the United Kingdom, we also retail equipment online and operate the Woodland Ways World of Bushcraft Centre, a completely unique experience store in Bedford.
We offer a gigantic range of bushcraft & survival training courses, delivered by Full Time Instructors, both in the United Kingdom and overseas. Because we are full time we are also renown as the busiest Survival Course provider in the UK with the frequency of our courses.
Our courses and instructors are some of the most respected in the industry. We have featured in many mainstream media arenas from high profile television projects, including the Bear Gryll's Born Survivor series, to national and international newspapers and radio, as well as hundreds of local smaller scale campaigns. We have also won numerous awards over the years, from being voted the Best Bushcraft Course Provider in the UK by readers of Bushcraft & Survival Skills Magazine, aswell as our Director being voted the Best Bushcraft Instructor and our Woodland Ways Weekend being the Best Bushcraft course. As well as other numerous awards for our instructors and courses we have also been voted in at number 18 in FHM's top 100 adventures. Our instructors are in high demand.
Here at Jack Pyke we have been involved in the outdoor market for over 20 years, so we have the experience, the knowledge, the resources and the feedback to offer you a fantastic product range manufactured using quality materials at affordable prices.
One of the brands most distinguishable features is our own camoflage patterns. We supply clothing and accessories in three key patterns - English Oak, English Woodland & Wild Trees Grasslands. Our English Oak pattern is our original pattern developed to cover the UK's long autumn/winter period whilst the English Woodland pattern was developed in response to requests for something more green to suit our lush spring/summer seasons. Our Wild Trees Grassland pattern uses reeds, grasses, brush and leaves, in light to medium browns with small pieces of green foliage ideal for camouflage amongst reeds, grass and harvested crops. For more information please visit the 'Camo Patterns' section of our site.
As always we are continually launching new items into our range, so keep your eyes open for reviews and news in magazines, Facebook & Youtube.