Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Spring is here.....

Hello everyone
As the sun is getting warmer and the days longer, i think its time to get out and see whats happening in the fields. Due to me spending time on other projects, i havent has much time to enjoy my shooting but, over the comming months, i should be able to get out and enjoy the countryside and harvest some free meat for the freezer.
I hope you all have had some good shooting trips in your part of the world.
You may notice a new addition to the bottom right of this page (under the shops list). This little widget shows where in the world people are when they visit my blog. I have been running this blog since october 07 and as you can see from the hit counter i have had some great hits. I hope to continue adding infomation to the blog as it becomes available.

Thats it for now but i will post again soon.

Take care and stay safe everyone.

Richard Nash.

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