Thursday, September 15, 2011

Yesterdays short shoot.

Wednesday morning didn't look to promising but i decided to set off to my shoot about 6 miles away from where i live. The sky was blue as i drove into the farm yard but the gray clouds were heading my way so i knew i didn't have much time to find cover. After getting a report on the happenings around the farm i was asked to have a look in the large cattle shed, now full of young turkeys getting ready for Christmas. As i walked in to the shed the noise from the turkeys was quite loud and this worked in my favour. The roof supports were the chosen resting place for 20 or more feral pigeons, feeding on the grain and then heading back up to digest there feast.
I had a nice clear shot from 35 yards at a group of 3 feral so i loaded up the Maxima and took aim. Down came the first one, head shot, the second one dropped to the floor about 7 seconds later and the third one was just looking around wondering what was going on. He very quickly found out as the third shot hit home and he joined his fellow flying rats on the shed floor.
First blood for the Gamo Maxima and i was very impressed with this light quiet rifle that seems more than capable of very fast clean kills.

Leaving the cattle shed i headed out in to the yard. It didn't rain after all and i could see that there were lots of pigeons landing in the hay store, that was my next stop. I slowly moved round the outside and could hear the cooing on top of the bails. Problem was the bails are stacked to the roof so i cant see where they were but as i came round the side of the building one broke cover and landed in the trees. Wrong move on his part as he presented a easy 25 yard shot. Squeezing the trigger a .22 bisley super field thwacked into the pigeon and down he came. Four shots, four kills.

My verdict:
This rifle looks nice, feels light and is well balanced. When taking a shot its weight lends itself to easy handling and with very little kick (recoil) shots come clean and quick. I walked around the farm for 40 Min's and despite not having a sling it wasn't a struggle to carry the rifle around.

I will be out again soon to dispatch some rabbits so i will post how the rifle performs but i am very confident it will do the job very well.


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