Tuesday, October 18, 2011

H4H ( help for heros)

You may have noticed two new pictures on the right side of this page. This is a direct link to a charity that is doing so much for our wounded and injured soldiers.

 Help for Hero's

Help for Heroes, The Royal British Legion and other service charities are working in partnership with the MoD to deliver the multi-million pound Defence Recovery Capability (DRC) – a comprehensive pathway to help wounded, injured and sick personnel launch back into the next phase of their lives.
A key part of this will be providing support to the Army, Royal Navy and Royal Marines by delivering Personnel Recovery Centres (PRCs) in Edinburgh, Colchester, Catterick, Tidworth and Plymouth.
These will mean that the wounded will benefit from new skills, qualifications and work experience to guarantee that their future, whether in the Armed Forces or in civilian life, is secure. The PRCs will also provide support for life, somewhere they can return to receive help and advice whether it’s financial, relationship problems or problems with prosthetics.
The Recovery Centres will provide comfortable living and learning accommodation for those on the Road to Recovery, giving those injured in the line of duty the very best training and opportunities to face a fulfilling future. Additionally it is envisaged that the PRCs will provide a Welfare Hub for those who have left the Services but can continue be a part of an extended fellowship. Young Veterans will be helped to find jobs, learn life skills, continue to keep fit and, in short, to know exactly where to go when problems arise. They will be encouraged to be independent but will have the comfort of knowing that the Centres are there should they need them: a One Stop Welfare Shop.

Over the next few months i am going to arrange a "Shoot for Charity" event. This will be a sponsored air rifle shoot at one of my permissions. ALL money raised will go directly to the H4H fund. More information to follow.

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