Thursday, October 28, 2010

Not Around Much ;-(

Hi yall

I have not been around much in the past few months nor have i been out there hunting and what not ,This i mainly due to my most prized air-rifle being stolen AAs410, and to be honest i'm still sick about it ,have not really had to heart to get out in the fields but the fact that i am writing here means things could be easing off some what and my yern for fresh air and freedom that hunting provides is slowly coming back.

i think using the AA's410 i certainly got drawn in to its easy handling and precise shooting thus could not put it down. When i do get out, it will be with one of my springer's and regreting that i hadnt spent time practicing with it ,so.... meny practice outings to come i believe

so hopefully in the next few days to weeks i'll be back on top form in spirit and ability with my new but (old ) tackle

till then take care guys/girls


1 comment:

Richard said...

Hiya Mike...long time no speak mate. Sorry you didnt get the rifle back.
Due to me not having the time now to get out into the field all my hunting kit is up for grabs, rifle and all. I will post an advert on here later on but if you are interested Email or text me .